Collection: Detec Next Software Update Agreement

Detec Next Programvareoppdatering Avtale

Get practical and economic benefits by signing a software update agreement!

With a Detec Next Software Update Agreement, you get access to all official new versions/updates of the software included in the agreement.

To sign a software update agreement it is required that you have the latest version installed first. 


Advantages by signing an agreement and do updates:

  • Detec AS has as a principle that signing software update agreements should be more advantageous than not signing an agreement. Detec AS shall have at least one payable release a year with significant innovations so that an agreement will have an economic advantage.
  • The principle that an agreement shall be beneficial is based on the advantages it gives Detec AS. The company can better plan for use of internal resources, particularly related to R&D, if the company has a more stable and predictable income which software update agreements will constitute.
  • A software update agreement is calculated on an annual amount based on number of module/camera licenses, but can be invoiced with the frequency the customer wants – weekly, monthly, quarterly, every 6 months or annually – thus, allowing the dealer/end-customer to control their cash flow with basis in their own budgets.
  • Customers with multiple servers with Detec software has the opportunity to have a streamlined total administration of all license purchases in one single overview, ensuring better license and budget control.   
  • Customers can update one agreement with a collected overview of licenses on a running basis with additions and subtractions of number of licenses, and then take stock at the anniversary of the software update agreement.
  • Customers with specified software update agreements from Detec AS have greater control over software costs and can decide themselves how they want to install software updates and who is going to do it.
  • For customers with multiple servers with Detec software and module/camera licenses, it will be an advantage that all servers are at the same version to increase recognition factor and simplify any support.
    • When Detec Software at any time is updated to the same last version, technicians will more easily relate to one version rather than many, and be able to save time on troubleshooting, fixes and solutions.
    • When all servers with Detec software are on the same version, time and costs related to deployment, alterations and updates on peripheral hardware infrastructure in the network will be reduced, e.g. cameras, network switches, client machines and monitors, as well as products and services from network and alarm management providers.
    • When all servers with Detec software are connected in a network, it will be a security measure that all are installed with the latest version, especially in relation to re-occurring security updates from Windows and other third-party software applications and Detec software compatibility towards these
  • When you update the Detec software with the latest version at any time, it will be easy to replace the software’s server with a new one, without inflicting trouble with any news on the operating system, network standards, hard drives or any other hardware technology.
  • Customers with software update agreements will in greater extent gain acceptance for new ideas and wishes for further research and development.
  • Customers with software updated agreements can to a greater extent secure that new IP-based cameras on the market are supported in Detec software through access to the newest available version and also, empowered by their agreement, have bigger influence on what cameras should be prioritized next.


Contact your dealer or Detec AS to sign an agreement today!


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- Request a quote


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- Book a meeting with one of our technical experts to tailor a solution after you specific needs


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Infosheet DTC-AGR-x1

Infoark DTC-AGR-x1

Avtalemal - Detec Next programoppdateringsavtale (NO)

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