Detec Next Fire i Stavanger

Detec AS invited to hold a speech on our innovative fire detection solution

On 11-12 September 2019, the conference Brannforebyggende Forum (Fire Prevention Forum) will be held at Clarion Hotel Energy in Stavanger.

The agenda on this year's conference follows two paths: Communication and communication of messages as well as innovative solutions / alternative ways of preventing fires.

Detec AS has been invited to give a speech on the latter and we will present our Detec Next Fire solution. This invitation is a testament to the success and ingeniuty of our solution.

The event will mainly attract a Norwegian audience consisting of fire safety professionals.

Here are some details in Norwegian if you are interested in attending this event:

Du finner mer informasjon om Brannforebyggende Forum 2019 på

NB! Påmeldingsfristen er 25. august. Deltakere må melde seg på ved å bruke denne linken.

Hele programmet finner du her.

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