Collection: Offentlig Bygg

Public Buildings

Public buildings face big challenges when it comes to security. On one hand, a number of buildings are meant for the public and open and accessible spaces are desired. There is often a lot of activity around the building and generally one cannot or does not wish to establish physical barriers.


Surveillance public building, videoovervåkning offentlig bygg

On the other side, it is first and foremost public buildings that are vulnerable to sabotage, vandalism, burglary and theft. Public areas are often arenas for demonstrations, and although important for democracy, demonstrations can evolve into riots. All of these things can lead to employees feeling or being unsafe.

In the product collection below, we have listed some of the products we usually offer in this market to deal with the multi-faceted challenges.

Here are some external links that may be useful to you:

Dahua Solutions fo Buildings

Dahua Solutions for Safe Cities

Sony Video Security Solutions for Safer, Smarter Cities

Sony Video Security Solutions for Education

Optex Rooftop Protection using Laser Technology